Cancelled Classes (due to inclement weather or other emergency circumstances)
Creation Dance Studio follows the Mercer Island School District (MISD) for emergency and severe weather closures. On days that the MISD has cancelled school, dance classes will also be cancelled for the safety of CDS families & staff members. The only exception is if all inclement weather concerns have resolved prior to classes starting and it appears safe for students and faculty to drive to the studio.
On MISD late start days and non-school days (Saturdays & Sundays), CDS staff will assess whether or not it is safe for classes to be held. All families impacted will receive a text message and an email if class(es) will be cancelled. There will also be an alert on the CDS portal and a post on all social media pages (Facebook and Instagram).
CDS does not offer refunds or credits for classes that are cancelled due to inclement weather, emergency closures, or any other issues that are beyond Creation Dance Studio’s control. However, CDS does offer make up classes, and all students who have missed a class due to inclement weather are encouraged to attend a make up class. Please click HERE for more information about make up classes and email to set up a make up class for your dancer.
Zoom classes may be offered for a select number of classes under certain circumstances. If your dancer is in a class that will be offered via Zoom, an email will be sent out as soon as possible with instructions regarding how to access your dancer's Zoom class.
Code of Conduct
At CDS, we expect that parents, family members, and students will treat our faculty and staff, other families, and our facility with the utmost respect. CDS values teamwork, community, encouragement, and creating a safe place for every dancer, both physically and emotionally. Gossiping and bullying are strictly forbidden both in class and online. If this code of conduct is broken, a meeting with both the student and the parent will be set up with the director immediately.
Sick Policy
-Dancers must be fever free for at least 24 hours (without using fever reducing medications) before returning to dance class.
-If a dancer has a bad cold or consistent cough and is unable to cover their cough or sneezes, we ask that they wear a mask to dance class in order to protect their fellow students until their symptoms have resolved.
-If your dancer is feeling well enough to dance but is showing clear signs of illness (persistent coughing or sneezing) while in class and is not wearing a mask, an instructor or front desk staff member may provide them with a disposable mask to wear for the remainder of class time. Before giving a dancer a mask, one of our team members will call the contact number that is on file, however, if no parent or guardian can be reached, we will leave a message and have the dancer wear a mask until we hear back from a parent or guardian.
Financial Enrollment/Registration Fee
There is an annual $40 registration fee due at the time of School Year Session enrollment. This registration fee is non-refundable. Please note that ALL registration must be completed online.
-Enrollment in Autopay is required for all students who are enrolled in the School Year Session.
-Tuition is split into 10 monthly installments that are automatically charged to the credit card on file on the 1st business day of each month.
-There are no credits or refunds for missed classes. It is expected that tuition will be paid through the end of the session, without exception, regardless of vacation, sick days, or other conflicts.
-Tuition amounts will fluctuate depending on the actual amount of class days in each moth. Tuition is prorated for holidays or no class days.
-Once a student is enrolled in a class, it is expected that they will complete the entire School Year Session (September-June).
NO REFUNDS. Tuition that has been paid and processed is non-transferable and non-refundable.
Late Fees
-There is an automatic $20 late fee for all accounts with an outstanding balance 10 days after tuition is posted.
-Students who have an outstanding balance for more than 30 days cannot attend their class(es) until the outstanding balance has been paid. Once the balance is paid, students may return to class.
Declined Auto pay Credit Card or ACH
If your credit card or ACH account is declined, you will be charged a $25 processing fee if not updated by the 10th day of the current month.
All account balances unpaid for a period of 90 days/three months will be sent to collections.
Drop Policy
-Written notice of intent to cancel enrollment is required.
-Once a student is enrolled in a class, we expect that they will complete the entire session. We will continue to hold a place for your student in the class and charge monthly tuition installments until an email from the parent/guardian has been received with the specific drop date listed.
-Important: Please note that tuition will NOT be prorated, credited, or partially refunded if a student withdraws from a class mid-month. There is no refund or credit for tuition that has been previously paid and processed prior to the drop date. There is no refund or credit for tuition due, or paid, in the month that the class is dropped.
Medical Termination
If a student must stop dancing for medical reasons, a written note from the parent/legal guardian and medical doctor must be submitted explaining the nature of the medical condition. Credit and tuition adjustments will be provided upon review of CDS.
Add Policy
If a student enrolls in a class in the middle of the month, tuition will be pro-rated for the first month based on the date that the student enrolls.
Class Transfer Policy
All class transfers must be approved by both the instructor of the class and the director of the studio. All transfers will take at least 1-week for approval and the student must wait for approval prior to transferring into the new class.
Class Placement
Placements are based on ability, age, and what is best for each individual student as they grow and progress as dancers. Please note that repeating a level for at least two years is standard and should be expected. Students may be asked to repeat a level in order to refine their skills and technique before moving up to a higher level. Students may also be asked to move into a higher level if they need an increase in challenge. We appreciate your cooperation, understanding, and trust that our faculty are extremely knowledgeable and have your dancer's best interest in mind when placement decisions are made.
-Dancers should arrive in full dance attire 5 minutes prior to their scheduled class time. Missing “warm-ups” due to tardiness may cause injury and is disruptive to the class.
-If a dancer is 15 minutes late for class without prior notice, they may be asked to observe class or warmup separately before joining class. This is to protect your dancer from potential injury due to missing warmup.
-Attending class on a regular basis is extremely important for all students and their progress as dancers.
-5 or more absences during rehearsal season for our Spring Recital (January-June) may result in dancers not being able to participate in the Spring Showcase.
Minimum Dancers Required for Active Classes
There must be at least 3 dancers signed up for a class in order for it to run during the School Year Session. If a class does not have at least 3 dancers, CDS will either combine two classes together or recommend a different class for your dancer.
Cancellation of Class (unrelated to inclement weather or emergency circumstances)
If Creation Dance Studio cancels a class due to an instructor being sick or absent, and no other class is substituted or provided as a make up option, a credit will be added for the tuition amount that has already been paid and processed for that individual class. Credits must be used for tuition, however, if no other class is available, options for credit memo use will be discussed with director.
Make Up Classes
If you or your student are unable to attend class, please enter the absence through your portal account or send an email to to schedule a make up class. Make up classes MUST be scheduled within one month of the missed class. Make up classes should be same type and same level of class that is missed, with the exception of classes that are not offered more than once a week (ex: If a jazz class is missed, student must make up a jazz class). If class is not made-up within one month of their absence, the make-up class opportunity does not extend further.
Dress Code
The dress code for each class can be found on the Creation Dance Studio website and must be followed. If a dancer does not have their hair pulled back away from their face, correct shoes, and/or correct attire, they may be asked to observe class. Jewelry, watches, etc. are not allowed in class for dancer safety. Please click HERE to view the dress code for each class.
Hair Policies
All dancers must have their hair pulled back, away from the face and off of the neck. Ballet students MUST have their hair in a bun. A bun, ponytail, or braid is okay for all other classes.
Recital & Costumes
-Creation Dance Studio has an annual end of the year recital in June.
-Please notify CDS no later than December 6th if your student will not be performing in the recital.
-Please note that dancers performing in the recital will be required to buy a costume for each class.
-Costumes range between $60-$85 per costume, per class.
-Costume fees are final and non-refundable.
-Recital tickets, photos, and videos, are also non-refundable.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are to be paid in full at time of the lesson. If you schedule a private lesson and fail to attend, are late, or fail to notify the instructor at least four hours prior to your scheduled time, you will be charged the hourly rate with no exceptions.
-Withdrawal requests received on or before Monday, 2/3, (two weeks prior to the first day of camp) will be issued a full refund.
-Withdrawals requests received one week prior to the start of camp (on or before Monday, 2/10) will be issued a 50% refund.
-Withdrawal requests received less than one week prior to the start of camp (after Monday, 2/10) will not be issued a refund or credit due to limited space and availability in each camp.
-Registration may be transferred to another camp day if space is available.
-Registration CANNOT be transferred to another camp and/or class that is not included in the Mid-Winter Break Dance Camp session (Monday, 2/17, through Friday, 2/21).
Creation Dance Camps
General Policies
-All dancers MUST be the correct age on or before the first day of camp.
-All dancers MUST be potty trained and be able to use the restroom independently.
Tuition Policies
-Creation Dance Camp tuition and registration cannot be transferred to camps and/or classes outside of the 2024 Summer Session.
-If registration is cancelled at least 7 days prior to the start of camp, tuition will be fully refunded with the exception of a $100 non-refundable deposit. Registration may be transferred to another 2024 Summer Dance Camp if space is still available.
-If registration is cancelled less than 8 days prior to the start of camp, tuition will not be refunded. Registration may be transferred to another 2024 Summer Dance Camp if space is still available.
Summer Classes
-No refunds or credits will be given for missed or cancelled Summer Classes.
-Summer class registration can be transferred to a different class/camp within the Summer Session by emailing, however, Summer Class registration CANNOT be transferred to a different session.
Covid Policies
(as of September 2023)
Dancers and staff are not required to wear masks at Creation Dance Studio. However, masks are still strongly recommended for families who have concerns or are at high risk. Our number one priority is to keep your dancers and our staff as safe as possible, so we will continue to follow the the Mercer Island School District and update our policies if/when it is necessary to do so.
High touch areas will continue to be cleaned and disinfected regularly and air purifiers and filtration systems will be on at all times.
Dancers and staff that have had a known exposure to Covid-19 should take a Covid test and follow current safety protocols for exposure.
Dancers and staff with Covid-like symptoms should stay home until they are able to take a Covid test and confirm that they have tested negative. If a dancer has tested negative and is attending class with obvious cold symptoms, we will ask parents/guardians to have their dancer(s) wear a mask in their dance class(es) until their symptoms have resolved.
Isolation requirements for students and staff who test positive: People with COVID-19 must isolate for at least five days and should wear a well-fitting mask or receive a negative test if they return between days 6 - 10. People who do not wear a mask or receive a negative test can return after day 10.
Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 that has attended class or been at the studio must notify Creation Dance Studio as soon as possible. Privacy and personal information will be protected as we take next steps.